
15 Ways to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in The Workplace


Encouraging diversity and inclusion at work is crucial. It’s not just the right thing to do—it also brings numerous benefits. Let’s explore why diversity and inclusion matter and easy ways to improve them in the workplace.

What is Diversity and Inclusion?

Diversity and inclusion refer to creating environments where people from various backgrounds, experiences and perspectives feel valued, respected and empowered to contribute their unique insights and talents. 

Diversity encompasses differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability and other characteristics, while inclusion involves fostering an environment where all individuals feel welcome, supported and able to fully participate. 

Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion are not just moral imperatives; they are business necessities. A diverse workforce brings a range of perspectives and ideas, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. Meanwhile, inclusion ensures that all employees feel valued and motivated, boosting productivity and retention.

Companies prioritising diversity and inclusion are more likely to attract top talent from a broader pool, reflect their diverse customer base and enhance their reputation. Fostering a diverse and inclusive environment contributes significantly to a company’s success and longevity.

15 Ways to Improve Workplace Diversity and Inclusion 

  1. Commitment from Top Management: Executives should visibly uphold diversity and inclusion, deeply integrating these principles into the company’s core ethos and everyday practices, thus setting the standard for the organisation.
  2. Promote Diverse Hiring Practices: Implement strategies to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds and ensure unbiased hiring processes.
  3. Use Inclusive Language: Use neutral but consciously inclusive language in all company materials and communications, ensuring everyone feels represented and respected.
  4. Encourage Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Support the formation of ERGs where individuals can connect, share experiences and advocate for diversity.
  5. Address Unconscious Bias: Offer workshops and resources to help employees recognise and mitigate unconscious biases in the workplace.
  6. Create Mentorship Programmes: Develop programmes that pair diverse employees with experienced mentors, facilitating valuable exchanges and supporting career growth across different backgrounds.
  7. Provide Flexible Working Arrangements: Adapt work policies to offer flexibility in hours and location, accommodating all employees’ diverse needs and circumstances, thereby promoting work-life balance.
  8. Celebrate Diversity: Embrace and celebrate employees’ diverse cultures and traditions throughout the year, enhancing mutual respect and understanding within the workforce.
  9. Promote Inclusive Decision-Making: Encourage the participation of employees from varied backgrounds in company decisions, ensuring a range of perspectives are considered and valued.
  10. Regular Surveys and Feedback: Implement regular opportunities for employees to provide feedback on their experiences and perceptions regarding workplace inclusivity.
  11. Transparent Career Paths: Define and communicate clear career advancement routes accessible to all employees, ensuring that progression is based on merit and is visibly attainable.
  12. Educate and Train Employees: Offer online workplace training programmes focusing on diversity, inclusion and cultural competency, making these essential resources accessible to all employees. 
  13. Implement Diversity in Leadership: Aim for a diverse representation within leadership roles, reflecting the company’s commitment to inclusivity and providing role models for all employees.
  14. Foster Open Communication: Establish environments within the workplace where individuals feel secure to express their concerns and experiences regarding diversity and inclusion without fear of reprisal.
  15. Review Policies and Procedures: Regularly assess and update company policies to ensure they promote inclusivity and prevent discrimination.

Importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training

Equality, diversity and inclusion training explains the concepts of equality, diversity and inclusion and outlines the duties of employees and employers in creating a fair, inclusive workplace. It helps tackle workplace discrimination and unconscious bias, ensure compliance with legislation and build a supportive and respectful work environment.


Diversity and inclusion create an environment where innovation flourishes, problems are solved more efficiently and employee engagement and satisfaction are heightened.

By implementing the above strategies, companies can create a more inclusive, dynamic and thriving work environment.

Sam Curran

About Author

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