
Inheritance and Role of Turkish Lawyer 

Turkish Lawyer

In Turkey, when it comes to legal issues related to succession and inheritance, it is recommended that you consult the services of some of the best Turkish inheritance lawyers. Thus, the legal services of Kurucuk Law Firm are professional, purposeful, and effective in solving the issues of Turkish inheritance law. We have a team of the best lawyers who will guide you through the whole process. From filing to owning, your journey with Lawyer Turkey will go smoothZ

We’re the Turkish Inheritance 


The Turkish Civil Code and specific legislation called the Turkish Inheritance Law determine the legal framework of inheritance in Turkey. These regulations set out guidelines and mechanisms for dealing with assets after a person’s death. 

The implementation of these laws entails working with legal experts who fully appreciate the doubles of the present laws, hence the prowess of our Law Firm excels. 

Expertise in Probate Services 

One of the main services we provide is full support for dealing with the probate procedures in Turkey. Our lawyers focus on the legal procedures required to confirm the will and transfer the deceased’s property to beneficiaries. 

Some probate-related services include the following: 

The structure of the family business plays a vital role in managing the family’s assets, particularly in efficiently passing them from one generation to another so that the transition process is less burdensome and will not significantly affect the family unit. 

Will Preparation Services 

As you may be aware, at Kurucuk, we know the significance of having a properly and clearly drafted will. Turkish inheritance lawyers at our firm help clients consider all possibilities when preparing testaments and ensure that the client’s intentions are met while the beneficiaries’ rights are not violated. 

We offer inheritance services in Turkey. Our legal team of Turkish inheritance lawyers always makes sure that all the legal requirements as per Turkish law are met to avoid future bottlenecks and also to protect the rightful inheritance for your loved ones. 

Inheritance Lawyer Services for 


This is mainly about distributing the deceased’s assets and succession rights in civil law countries. This, therefore, gives the firm’s legal services with specialization in contested wills and inheritance disputes. Our lawyers specializing in Turkish inheritance law can perfectly achieve our client’s goals through negotiations. If this is not possible, they are ready to protect their client’s interests in court. 

The following public values are pursued as we aim for fair outcomes in resolving disputes and preserving our clients’ legacies to reduce stress.

Additional Inheritance Services 

However, apart from probate, will preparation, and inheritance disputes, our Turkish inheritance lawyers team’s legal services comprise the following. These services include but are not limited to: 

Estate planning: 

Developing an effective estate plan based on personal needs as well as Family and Friends and Small Business, which a person would like to see during their lifetime and dying. 

Asset protection: 

Evaluating and employing legal actions that prevent specific property from being reached by creditors and related claims. 

Inheritance tax planning: 

Providing counsel on how to avoid or reduce the impact of taxes on your business. The imposition of estate duty is a mechanism for taxing the beneficiaries. 

International Inheritance Matters 

International inheritance issues are also among the services for which our Law Firm provides legal consultation. This makes our law firm a go-to option for clients with property in Turkey and abroad. It is important to note that every country has laws regarding cross-border inheritance, the taxes to be paid, and the practices and customs of a given culture. 

Our firm has experience handling these issues while minimizing the negative impact on our operations and abiding by the laws of the international community. If you are a nonresident deciding on Turkish assets or a resident of Turkey with assets in other countries, our international inheritance lawyers can help. 

Our Turkish Inheritance Lawyers 


The procedure for getting a certificate of inheritance 

  • Making a will 
  • Cancellation of the will 
  • Opening a reduction lawsuit 
  • Preparation of an inheritance waiver 
  • agreement 
  • Annulment of inheritance certificate 

This paper discusses the possibility of filing a lawsuit when an individual has been denied an inheritance. 

  • Suing for an Intestate Share After Wrongful Disposition 
  • Preparation of inheritance contracts 
  • Reach our Turkish Inheritance Lawyers 

Kurucuk presents the highest level of assistance in Turkish inheritance law. Our team of legal consultants specializes in probate law, will preparation, and inheritance litigation in Turkey. We at Turkish Inheritance Lawyers attempt to provide assurance during difficult times. If you are having any issue related to the aforementioned inheritance claim, you can contact us directly. Our outstanding team of lawyers is available 24/7 to help you get through the procedure without any hinderace. Although, chosing the right Lawyer in Istanbul is difficult but we have chalked out the details from which you can find the most suitable one for your matter. 

Abdul Basit Beyond Boundaries

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