
9 Tips To Crack Balance Between Work & Online Learning

Online Learning

So you have decided to pursue an online learning course! That is fantastic news—whether for personal development, a career change, or just to pick up a new hobby. But let’s be honest today: Adjusting your online learning around work commitments can feel a bit challenging.

According to PR Newswire, the online learning market was worth $171 billion in 2019 and is forecasted to grow at 10.85% by 2025. This growth will be happening in developing countries. This survey reflects a positive rising trend of online learning. If you are also one of those who are trying to manage online studies with your working schedule, you can follow the mentioned strategies to succeed in both your job and your online courses.

Making Time Magic: Your Scheduling Superpowers

The first step you need to follow for success is getting your schedule ship-shape. Here is how to become a master of your time:

  • Be Realistic

When making a schedule, we often try to fit in everything: every project, activity, and break. However, it is important not to cram too much into it. Add the necessary things, like your online class and break times.

You can contact your employer to discuss the timings and see if there could be any adjustments made. Even if it is just for a few months, that will help you relax. Remember, a stressed-out brain is not a learning machine.

  • Become a Calendar Champ

You can invest in a planner or use a digital calendar app. These apps and planners can be customised according to your needs. You can block out dedicated work hours, online learning sessions, and precious “me-time” for relaxation. 

You can also add colour coding to help you visualise your week—for instance, blue for work, green for studies, and purple for unwinding.

  • The Early Bird Gets the Knowledge

If you are an early bird, you can schedule your online class and study sessions accordingly. Most people like the mornings as they are usually quiet, you feel fresh, and information is absorbed like breakfast!

  • Lunchtime Learner

You also have the option to attend the short online tutorial during your lunch break to get a quick squeeze of learning. You can easily find many courses that offer bite-sized chunks of information that can be devoured in under an hour.

  • Night Owl Nirvana

Maybe you are a night owl and evenings suit you better. After having your dinner, you can focus on your studies schedule – you just have to make sure that your screen time is not too close to bedtime, or you might find yourself counting sheep instead of code.

Making the Most of Online Learning

There are many benefits of online learning but it also requires some self-discipline. Here are some tips to maximise your learning experience:

  • Find Your Learning Zone

You can Identify a quiet space at your home, or perhaps a local library to avoid the distractions you usually get when studying. There you can concentrate without distractions, you just need to put your phone on silent, close unnecessary browser tabs, and inform housemates or family that you are in “Study Mode.”

  • Break Down Those Walls

We usually feel afraid to reach out to our tutors or classmates regarding our doubts and questions, fearing that we might be judged. You can even the discussion forums which are a great way to ask questions, there you can share ideas, and get different perspectives on the course material.

  • Tech Time Travellers

If you need to download the lectures or course material then you do this too! Many of the online courses allow you to download lectures or course materials so that you can study at your own pace. There will be no limitation on how many times you are rewinding the lectures or taking pauses. You should take advantage of this! This will allow you to listen to the lectures on your commute or while doing chores – it is a great way to multitask and make the most of your time.

  • Become Buddies with Batch Mates

If you are studying online, remember this, having someone to share ideas with and keep each other motivated can be really helpful. You can connect with your batchmates regarding queries and share ideas. This will also help you to think from a different perspective.


Balancing work and online learning takes dedication and effort, but with the right approach, it is absolutely achievable. You can plan your schedule, utilise the technology, and create a supportive environment to set yourself up for success.

Remember, it is all about finding what works best for you. Do not be afraid to ask for help, and most importantly, celebrate your achievements along the way. With hard work and a little planning, you can reach your goals without feeling overwhelmed.

Sam Curran

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